Responsive Square
And other fixed ratio elements
This square dimensions are only defined by width:100% and padding-bottom:100%.
The counter-intuitive rule its based on is: a percentage value on top/bottom padding or margins is relative to the width of the containing block
Using this rule you can create elements that are responsive or elastic, but always keep the same ratio. Check below for a video container example.
Open this site in WebflowPadding values for other ratios
For 1:1 ratio, use padding-bottom 100 %
For 16:9 ratio, use padding-bottom 56.25 %
For 9:16 ratio, use padding-bottom 177,77 %
For 4:3 ratio, use padding-bottom 75 %
For 3:2 ratio, use padding-bottom 66.66 %
For 8:5 ratio, use padding-bottom 62.5%
Calculate values for any ratio
For 16:9 ratio, use padding-bottom 56.25 %
Because 16/9=0.5625
For 9:16 ratio, use padding-bottom 177,77 %
Because 9/16=1.7777
Calculate values with an online tool
You can use Ratio Buddy for all your calculations!
Go to Ratio Buddy